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Rewards Report

Details of each Advocate reward status and payout, plus high-touch capabilities to override a rejection or manually evaluate a reward

Samantha avatar
Written by Samantha
Updated over a week ago

Along with keeping record of referral conversions, Friendbuy also creates a dedicated report that shows all rewards generated from a conversion.

The Reward Report gives you detailed insight into who received a reward, the status of a reward, the reward amount, validation details, and more.

This report provides:

  • Date - The date when the reward was generated.

  • Status - The status of the reward based on reward criteria and fraud settings.

  • Referrer Details - The email address, customer ID, and IP address of the referrer (reward recipient).

  • Reward Details - The widget the referrer shared with, the reward amount, the reason the reward was rejected or approved, and the reward email status.

  • Friend Details - The email address, customer ID, and IP address of the friend.

  • Friend's Order - The order ID and the order amount.

In this report, you can perform the following actions:

  • Filter by referrer email address, widget, reward status, and date range.

  • Export the report for further data manipulation and analysis.

Manually Approve or Reject a Pending Reward

When using the 'days to delay' feature on a Reward configuration, the reward will be in 'Pending' status and evaluated at the end of time set. Often, this feature is used in conjunction with a custom Reward Validation URL, but can also support manually approving or rejecting a reward. If approving, the user will need to confirm overriding of all Reward Criteria set for the widget.

This is a great option for customers who have very 'high-touch' referral programs or those who may just not have the bandwidth to set up the Reward Validation feature.

Override a Rejected Reward

Need to quickly appease a customer who may have experienced a rejected reward? Customer Service Representatives can easily click the 'Override Rejection' button from the Rewards report to process the reward as 'Approved.'

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