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Samantha avatar
Written by Samantha
Updated over 3 years ago

What follows is the most common way folks use Unbounce and Friendbuy together.

  • A referral share button on your Unbounce Main Page that triggers a widget overlay. This allows visitors to your landing page to share before converting.

  • A referral widget on your Unbounce Form Confirmation Dialog that displays an embedded widget. This allows post conversion sharing.

Unbounce Main Page

  1. Create a Friendbuy widget for your Unbounce Main page

  2. Set the Display Settings as an Overlay: Style is Overlay, CTA is Button, and Autopop is Off

  3. Add a Friendbuy SmartPixel into the Main Page of your Unbounce page by choosing the JavaScripts Icon from the Unbounce editor

  4. Choose Placement > Head

  5. Paste your Friendbuy SmartPixel. Click on the "Integration Code" button in the top navigation bar to access the SmartPixel.

  6. Click “Done”

  7. Add Custom HTML from the Unbounce Editor (left-hand nav bar) and drag a custom HTLM box onto your page where you want to place your Share Button

  8. Re-size the HTML box (same size as your share button) and position it on the page where you want the Share Button to appear

Unbounce Form Confirmation Dialog

  1. Create a Friendbuy widget for your Form Confirmation Dialog

  2. Set the Display Settings as Embedded: Style is Embedded

  3. Add a Friendbuy SmartPixel into the Form Confirmation Dialog of your Unbounce page by choosing the JavaScripts Icon from the Unbounce editor

  4. Choose Placement > Head

  5. Paste your Friendbuy SmartPixel. Click on the "Integration Code" button in the top navigation bar to access the SmartPixel.

  6. (Optional) Also paste your Friendbuy Conversion Tracker if you are tracking referrals to your Unbounce page. The Conversion Tracker is also found on the "Integration Code" page.

  7. Click “Done”

  8. Add Custom HTML from the Unbounce Editor (left-hand nav bar) and drag a custom HTLM box onto your Form Confirmation Dialog where you want to place your embedded widget

  9. Re-size the HTML box (same size as your widget) and position it in the dialog box where you want the Widget to appear

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