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1.04.03 - May 12, 2017

Release Notes

Samantha avatar
Written by Samantha
Updated over a week ago


REST API Endpoint to Retrieve Campaign ID

A new GET /campaign endpoint is available in the Friendbuy REST API. This endpoint returns a list of all campaigns, along with details such as whether the campaign is published, archived, a champion or variant, the distribution weight, the creation date, etc. 

This endpoint supports the ability to filter results on the following parameters:

  • Start and End Date

Prior to this release, campaign IDs were only available on the Widget Installation Code page of the Friendbuy web application. 

For additional details on using this new endpoint, please refer to the GET /campaigns section of Friendbuy’s developer documentation.


The button on referral and sharing widgets to copy a PURL required Adobe Flash to properly work. This restriction has been removed and the copy function now works without having Flash installed.

GET /referral_codes/{code} returns 404 status for reminder email (8527) 

When using the GET /referral_codes/{code} endpoint of the Friendbuy REST API to retrieve the details of a referral generated through a reminder email, a 404 status with “no such code exists” was returned in the response. The response now contains the appropriate referral code details. 

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