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1.04.00 - April 18, 2017

Release Notes

Samantha avatar
Written by Samantha
Updated over a week ago


Share Reminder Email Analytics

Our dashboards and analytics have been enhanced to take advantage of the share reminder email featured introduced in 1.02.00 release.  Now, in addition to understanding how your email channel is performing, you can also understand how effective initial email shares are vs reminder emails.

Share reminder-specific metrics can be found in three areas of the application.

Main Dashboard page:  

Clicking View Breakdown in the Conversions by Channel table will expand the Email channel row to display more detailed metrics for how many conversions and how much revenue was driven by the initial share email and by the reminder email.  Click Hide Breakdown to collapse the view.

Referral and Sharing Analytics page:

Similar to the Dashboard page, clicking on View Breakdown in the By Channel table will expand the Email channel of the report so that metrics are broken down between the initial share email and the reminder email.  With the exception of the below columns, the values in the Email Share and Reminder rows are summed to calculate the total values for the Email channel.


  • The count in the Email Share row will always represent the total number of shares from the email channel since a reminder email is not treated as an additional share

  • The Reminder row shows what percentage of email shares also included a reminder email 

Total Recipients:

  • The count in the Email Share row will always represent the total number of recipients for the email channel  

  • The Reminder row shows the subset of recipients that also received a reminder email


  • This data is currently only tracked for the initial email share


  • This data is currently only tracked for the initial emails share

Conversions Report:

The Conversions report has also been updated to indicate which conversions were driven by the initial share and which were driven by the reminder email.  

What’s New Feed for New Enhancements and Features

Finding out about updates to the Friendbuy product is now easier than ever with with a new dedicated notifications area.  Clicking on the What’s New link in the main header menu will display a summary of recently released features and enhancements.  

From the What’s New feed, you can:

  • Scroll through the updates for a quick review

  • Click on the title of any update to navigate to the detailed release notes for that release

  • Click View All Updates at the bottom to navigate to a list of all release notes

A red badge icon will be displayed over the What’s New link when there are new updates to check out.

Note, the Integration Code link has been moved to the Settings area of the main sidebar menu.

Type Field added to Conversions API endpoints and Conversion Webhook

Conversion type is now included for conversion data made available through Friendbuy’s REST API and webhooks. All posts and responses that include a conversion object, now contain a Type field that explicitly indicates one of four conversion types.  This new field is meant to help our customers easily differentiate and understand conversion rates by channel.

  • share: conversion was driven through a Friend clicking on the redirect link contained in a email, Facebook, or Twitter share 

  • reminder_email: conversion was driving through a Friend clicking on the redirect link contained in a share reminder email

  • customer_personal_url: conversion was driven through a Friend clicking on a personal URL redirect link, where you, the Merchant, provided Friendbuy with the Advocate’s email address when the PURL was being  generated

  • email_personal_url: conversion was driven through a Friend clicking on a personal URL redirect link, where the Advocate provided their own email address when the PURL was being generated


Blank reminder email sent from unpublished widget preview (2829)

Sending an email share via a preview of an unpublished widget would cause a blank reminder email to be sent.  Reminder emails are now only sent from a published widget and will always include the original share message.

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