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1.03.02 - April 3, 2017

Release Notes

Samantha avatar
Written by Samantha
Updated over a week ago


API Endpoint to Retrieve Newsletter Email Addresses

A new GET /newsletter_opt_ins endpoint is available in the Friendbuy REST API. This endpoint returns a unique list of email addresses for users that have requested to receive your newsletter via Friendbuy’s Newsletter Optin feature.

This endpoint supports the ability to filter results on the following parameters:

  • Campaign

  • Start and Ends Date

Prior to this release, retrieving a list of email addresses that opted into receive a newsletter could only be accessed by exporting a report from an individual widget within the application.

Coupon_Code Added to Purchase Attribute in Webhook and REST API

A new coupon_code field is now available in the Purchase attribute for webhook and REST API data.  If a coupon code is passed along with purchase data provided to Friendbuy through the SmartPixel or POST /purchases API endpoint that value will be displayed in the coupon_code field field.


Marking a conversion as “test” results in 404 error (0613)

Attempting to mark a conversion as “test” on page 2 or higher of the Conversion report would fail and cause a redirect to a 404 page.

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