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Referral + Sharing Report

View, filter, and export referral analytics across widgets and channels

Samantha avatar
Written by Samantha
Updated over a week ago

View Referral + Share Analytics

The Referral & Sharing > Analytics Report offers quick insight into the metrics that matter most for your program. Set filters to quickly compare performance across widgets, to make informed inferences on your implementation.

At a high level, for each widget (or All), you'll see:

  • Shares - Total share, but does not include Personal URLs

  • Share Rate - The times referral is shared divided by time widget viewed

  • Clicks - Total clicks on referral links

  • Conversions - Number of conversions that occurred via referral 

  • Conversion Rate - Number of conversion that occurred divided by shares

  • Revenue - Conversion-driven revenue

And to dive into performance by each channel, check out:

  • Emails (Sent), Recipients, Delivered, and Unique Opens for Email shares

  • Total Friends (Facebook) and Followers (Twitter) to conceptualize your social channel reach

  • + Clicks, Conversions, and Revenue breakdown by channel

Export Report

We’ve equipped the Referral Analytics with ability to export data as a .csv report.

You can import your share, click, conversion, and revenue data into business intelligence tools to compare or aggregate widget performance. Each day of referral activity is included in the report, with line item by widget + channel.

To get started with your referral widget export:

  1. Specify Widget(s) and Date Range, 'Update Report'

  2. Click Export Report, top right

  3. Confirm or update the recipient to receive the report by email. Note: receipt may be nearly instant to a few minutes, depending on amount of data in range.

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